Tag Archive for: school

School Cleanliness Can Affect Student Performance

School Cleaning or the Lack of It

A recent article in Chicago-area newspaper the Hyde Park Herald reported on the severe problems facing a local high school – a lack of sufficient custodial staff and aging equipment has led to widespread concern among students.

Green Cleaning Techniques For Asthma-Friendly Classrooms

According to a recent story by local news outlet WWLP-TV, schools in the Holyoke, Massachusetts area are changing up their cleaning supplies to promote better environmental responsibility, and to reduce high incidents of asthma among students.

School Closings Due to Illness

School Closings Due to Illness

School closings due to illness are becoming an issue that many states are facing. Mountain View Elementary School in northern Tennessee (about 40 miles south of the Virginia/Tennessee border) had to close earlier this year due to illness. Here’s a real world story of how to tackle a problem.