Complimentary Site Assessment
By understanding your current situation, we can fully comprehend your needs, and introduce the most cost-effective and productive solutions for your unique situation.
Success in contract cleaning requires efficiency and reliability. Two things Johnston aims to provide in abundance when partnering in your industry. We aim to keep you informed on new products and procedures in the industry that can cut down your labor time while improving your results, making your bottom line a whole lot happier.
There are few industries where the phrase “time is money” rings truer than in contract cleaning. Simple innovations like cordless equipment or on-the-go dilution systems can have a huge impact on the time you spend servicing each account. Johnston’s specialists will work with you to provide solutions for your unique situation which will cut your labor time and increase your efficiency.
We work with exceptional equipment vendors that provide tools for every type of job. The introduction of efficient and versatile machines to your fleet could be the simple fix needed that produces better quality results with half the effort. We’ll keep you constantly informed of the options available to you as the industry continues to innovate.
By understanding your current situation, we can fully comprehend your needs, and introduce the most cost-effective and productive solutions for your unique situation.
Tailored for you based on collaboration with our experts.
We’ll make sure your staff is fully educated on the processes we develop, ensuring peak performance and efficiency.
Our platform JMart makes ordering supplies easy and helps you analyze your business with access to order history, invoices and more.
Products and best practices are constantly evolving. We’ll keep you up to date on the latest trends through on-site trade shows, seminars, webinars and more.
Our dedicated team of specialists is on call and ready to get you back up and running quickly, should you ever encounter an issue.
Fill out the form below and one of our experts will contact you to learn more about your needs, set up a complimentary site survey and set up a time for you to visit our state-of-the art solution center.
2 Eagle Drive
Auburn, NY 13021
Phone: (800) 800-7123
Local: 315-253-8435
Fax: 315-253-8744
P.O. Box 736
Auburn, NY 13021
Johnston Paper Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 411403
Boston, MA 02241-1403